These case study videos demonstrate the varying ways social media use informs physical activity, diet-related behaviours and quality of life, the contextual factors that drive social media use for health-related behaviour change, and recommendations for how social media can be used to support, develop and enhance health and wellbeing.
This video of 'Jean' explains how adults who were self-isolating due to COVID-19 restrictions, physical isolation was prominent and these adults turned to social media to fill a void and help them maintain physical activity behaviours and social relationships. However, social media was not a resource for all adults self-isolating, and was approached critically in relation to diet and issues of privacy and misinformation.
This video of 'Charlie' explains how adults who had high physical activity levels prior to the lockdown used social media as a substitute/add-on for social contact related to physical activity/sport (i.e. groups, networks, teams, and clubs). These adults rarely turned to social media for health-related information to inform their physical activity and diet behaviours.
This video of 'Lauren' explains how adults who had low physical activity levels prior to the COVID-19 lockdown used social media to improve their physical and mental health. The ease of completing online workouts and cooking classes at home and with the family, coupled with the perceived improvements to overall quality of life, re-enforced the use of social media for physical activity and diet information